Let's take the extreme case of sever dehydration. Protoplasm (the material of all living organisms) dries out, and the result is the end of life.
Everybody is familiar with what happens with a plant that has not been watered. Just think that things are not very different with us.
In fact, this phenomena is at the base of premature aging - when we don't drink enough water (for a long period of time), the basic metabolic, physical and chemical activities diminish and we don't get the vital elements, our body needs. The benefit of drinking water appears to be obvious to me... what about you?
Other good news is that one of the first symptoms of dehydration is the degradation of the skin, our larger and most exposed organ in the body. Ladies, I think you got my message here.
There are of course much more benefits of drinking water than just prevent dryness and this, is because our organism is so complex and relies so much on this miraculous liquid which is water.
For instance:
- water makes possible the electric reactions at the cells level, as shown above, and keeps the pH body balance,
- water dissolve toxins and helps body to flush them away,
- water physically and chemically brakes down the food we eat, assisting the metabolic system,
- water transports all the nutrients to different parts of the body,
- water in the blood also transports the oxygen we breath to all organs,
- water lubricates cartilages that buffer all joints
and the list doesn't stop here.
Read more: http://www.health-benefit-of-water.com